From Setbacks to Success: The Story of a Boy Who Harnessed The Wind

Have you ever wondered what it would take to change the course of your life and create the future you’ve been dreaming about? 

Despite what life throws in your way?

Any worthwhile dream, goal, or purpose will have its fair share of obstacles. That’s just life. But life isn’t about avoiding them. 

Reaching your dreams is about facing life’s challenges, overcoming them, and persisting with resilience and determination until you reach your destination.

Trust me, from personal experience, it’s not always as easy as it looks. And I know that life can sometimes feel overwhelming, like you’re stuck in a loop of uncertainty, second-guessing your dream or goal, wondering if it’s even worth it, or doubting your ability to reach it. 

If you do not feel in control of your future and wonder what tomorrow will bring, it’s easy to feel powerless.

But here’s a thought to hold on to: 

While you can’t control everything, you can create your future by taking small, consistent actions today.

Achieving any goal or dream is about taking consistent daily actions, no matter how big or small. 

It’s not the size of the steps that matters—it’s the persistence to keep moving forward. 

When you run into obstacles, don’t let them derail you. Instead, take a moment to replan, restrategize, and figure out a way around them. There is always a way to overcome challenges if you stay determined and creative. 

The moment you stop taking action is when your dreams start slipping away. But on the opposite end, every step you take brings your dreams a little closer. 

Over time, as you persist, momentum builds—like an avalanche that starts with a few snowflakes but grows with unstoppable force. 

And the big reward is given to those who stay the course, who keep going even when it’s tough. 

Success doesn’t happen overnight; it’s earned through consistency, effort, and time.

How To Be Happy While Chasing Your Dreams

Many people ask me, “How are you always so happy?” 

Well, believe it or not, I face challenges, obstacles, fear, and self-doubt just like anyone else. 

I’m a person, just like you. 

No amount of money or success makes life disappear—and it’s simply human nature to encounter difficulties along the way. 

What keeps me happy is that I pursue dreams I’m really passionate about, and I make it a point to live in the present. 

It’s not that life gets easier, but when you focus on what matters and embrace the moment, it becomes much more fulfilling.

Yes, of course, chasing your dreams takes courage, persistence, and the ability to overcome obstacles, but it doesn’t mean you can’t be happy along the way. It doesn’t mean you have to suffer all the way to the point you finally make it – that would suck! 

The fun, the rewards, and the happiness are in the journey itself, not the destination. The adventure and all the work you do to reach your dreams can be one of your life’s most fulfilling and enjoyable experiences if you approach it with the right mindset. 

The key is to live in the present and celebrate your wins as they come. 

Every dream is made up of milestones, small achievements, and goals that you reach along the way. 

Acknowledging and celebrating these moments keeps you motivated and brings joy to the process, reminding you of how far you’ve already come.

Have you ever found yourself caught in thoughts about the past, replaying moments you wish you could change? Or maybe you’ve spent sleepless nights worrying about what might happen in the future? 

Here’s the thing: depression often comes from being stuck in the past, reliving stuff you can’t change. Anxiety, on the other hand, comes from being stuck in the future, worrying about things that haven’t even happened yet. 

So, the only place where you can find real peace is in the present moment. Right now. This very second.

When you focus on what’s happening in front of you, it’s like hitting a reset button. You’re not tied to what has already happened or trapped by what might happen. 

Instead, you’re free to take small steps forward and appreciate what you’re doing today to move closer to your dream. 

That’s why pursuing a goal or dream that resonates with you is so important. When your heart is entirely in it, the journey becomes rewarding, and the challenges feel like stepping stones instead of barriers.

Staying happy while chasing your dreams means learning to balance your focus between the present moment and the bigger picture. 

Celebrate the progress you’re making, no matter how small it seems. Let each step fuel your excitement for what’s next. 

By doing this, you’ll find that happiness isn’t just waiting for you at the finish line—it’s woven into every part of the journey.

“Life is life”

I often say, “Life is life.”

By that, I mean that no matter how much you plan or prepare, life will throw challenges your way. 

That’s just the nature of it.

Every adventure, journey, or goal has its fair share of stops, barriers, and unpredictable ups and downs. Maybe it’s a rejection, a failure, or an unexpected change that shakes things up. It’s frustrating, but these moments are part of the process.

So, how do you reach your dreams?

Consistency is what gets you through. 

It’s not about having a perfect plan, being lucky, being perfect, and so on. It’s simply as easy as showing up every day and doing what you can. It’s not always glamorous or easy, but it works.

Even if the steps feel small, they add up. 

Each effort is like planting a seed for your future.

The Story of William Kamkwamba: The Boy Who Harnessed the Wind

Creating your future doesn’t mean you have to have everything figured out. It simply means taking action, one step at a time.

Start by asking yourself: What do I want my life to look like? Be honest and specific. Then, think about what actions you can take today—no matter how small—that will move you closer to that vision.

The key is to focus on what you can control. You can’t predict every twist and turn, but you can choose how you respond and what you prioritize.

And when life throws you a curveball, take a moment to step back and ask yourself what you can learn from the experience. Use it to adjust your approach and keep moving forward.

One inspiring example of this comes from the story of William Kamkwamba, a young boy from Malawi who faced seemingly insurmountable challenges but still managed to shape his future and transform his community. 

William’s story shows us that while life might not always hand us the perfect circumstances, we have the ability to create our future by taking action with what we have.

His journey is a testament to the power of small, consistent steps and staying focused on a vision, no matter how challenging the path might seem.

William Kamkwamba grew up in Malawi, a country in southeastern Africa, in a family of farmers. Life in his village wasn’t easy.

Like most families in Malawi, William’s family depended on the land for their survival. They grew maize, but their livelihood was fragile—relying entirely on the rain to nourish their crops.

In 2001, a devastating famine hit Malawi. The rains didn’t come, and the crops failed. Within months, hunger swept through the country.

Families, including William’s, were forced to survive on a single meal a day.

For William’s family, that meant just three small handfuls of maize flour—barely enough to survive. The famine left people weak, desperate, and hopeless. For William, the situation was unbearable.

To make matters worse, the famine also meant that William had to drop out of school. In Malawi, secondary education isn’t free, and his family could no longer afford the fees. At just 14 years old, his future seemed bleak.

Yet, instead of giving in to despair, William decided to take action. He was determined to find a way to improve his family’s situation, even if it meant teaching himself what he needed to know.

William turned to the only resource available to him: a small library in his village. He spent his days poring over books on physics and engineering.

His English wasn’t strong, but he used the pictures and diagrams to make sense of the concepts.

One day, he stumbled upon a book that would change everything. It was about windmills. The book explained how a windmill could generate electricity and pump water.

The idea struck him like lightning. A windmill could mean irrigation—something that could make his family’s crops grow even when the rains failed. It was a way to fight hunger, not just for his family, but potentially for his entire village.

William made up his mind: he was going to build a windmill.

There was just one problem: he had no materials, no tools, and no money. But William didn’t let that stop him.

He began scavenging through the local scrapyard for anything he could use. Piece by piece, he gathered an unlikely assortment of materials: a tractor fan, PVC pipes, an old bicycle frame, and a bicycle dynamo.

To outsiders, it looked like junk. People in his village thought he had lost his mind. Even his own mother questioned what he was doing, but William stayed focused on his dream.

With no blueprint to follow, William relied on trial and error. He worked tirelessly, learning as he went. Slowly but surely, his windmill began to take shape. And then, one day, it worked. His windmill generated enough electricity to power a single light bulb.

For William and his family, this was a moment of triumph. But he didn’t stop there.

Over time, he improved the design, adding more lights and even a circuit breaker. He built another windmill to pump water, giving his family the ability to irrigate their fields. This meant they could grow crops even during droughts.

Soon, word spread. People from neighboring villages came to charge their mobile phones using William’s electricity.

The boy who had been forced to drop out of school had not only changed his family’s life but had also become a beacon of hope for his community.

William’s journey wasn’t easy. He faced countless obstacles—hunger, ridicule, and the limitations of his circumstances.

But through sheer determination, creativity, and persistence, he created a solution that transformed his life and inspired those around him.

This story is a reminder that no matter how difficult your situation may seem, there is always a way forward. It might require creativity, persistence, and hard work, but the key is to keep going.

Like William, you have the ability to create a better future—one small step at a time.

William’s story was so great that it quickly reached the internet, leading to an invitation to speak at TED. On that stage, William stood as a symbol of resilience, creativity, and persistence. His message was simple but powerful: 

“Trust yourself and believe. Whatever happens, don’t give up.”

William’s story reminds us of a fundamental truth: obstacles will always be part of life, but they don’t have to define your future.

Through creativity, persistence, and belief in himself, William transformed his family’s life and inspired countless others.

If you’re chasing a dream, let William’s journey be a reminder that even in the most challenging circumstances, there’s always a way forward. It starts with taking one small step and refusing to give up. That’s how you create your future.

Whether it’s a small step toward a goal or a creative solution to a challenge, progress comes from moving forward, even in the face of difficulty.

If a young boy in a remote village could change his life—and his community—through persistence and ingenuity, imagine what you can do by taking that first step today.

Here you can see William’s heartwarming talk about his journey:

A Simple Reminder

The future isn’t something that just happens to you. 

It’s something you create with the choices you make and the actions you take.

Yes, there will be challenges. Yes, there will be days when it feels like progress is slow. But the important thing is to keep going. 

Stay consistent, focus on the present, and take small steps forward.

The best way to predict your future is to create it. And the best way to start creating it is by doing something today—right now—that your future self will thank you for.

So, take that first step. You’ve got this.
